Trees for private lands at low cost
How it works:
- A leader in the community/group makes a Proposal and organizes six to twelve people to purchase trees.
- Individuals in the group register, place orders for trees, and pays online through Cacapon Institute.
- The group picks up their trees from Cacapon Institute and transports them to their community.
- Cacapon Institute provides a tree planting demonstration.
- In exchange for low-cost trees, for the next three years, tree recipients commit to a brief survey to report health and survival.
Getting Started with Your Community BMP
Proposals are accepted anytime. Cacapon Institute staff will work with you to ensure a successful project. Groups/communities include businesses, educational institutions, faith-based groups, government agencies, homeowner associations/neighborhoods, social clubs, and watershed associations. Deadlines are seasonal: January 15th for spring, July 15th for fall.
Learn more about this program here: YourBMP Guidelines
The list of available trees changes each season but and example of common species is here: Example Tree List
For more information call Cacapon Institute at 304-258-8013 or email bmp@cacaponinstitute.org
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