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School: Hampshire High School/  Class: 4th block enviromental science
Teacher: Mr. Moore
POV Group Name: The Forest Saver, 1 person
Date: 11/08/2006/  Time: 01:35 PM

I think we should make our own trees in a special place and by the time they get old enough we replant them in the wild. To keep the deer from eating them we should make some kind of spray substance to spray on the tree to keep deer away from it. We should have a certain area for just deer to graze and eat what they can. There are 60 deer per sq. mile and that many deer could cause a lot of damage to our forest. All the native young sprouting trees that are just freshly being born in the ground are being eaten right away do to the fact of over population of deer. Since the deer mostly like to eat small spouting trees than I think you should stick with my idea of growing new trees inside buildings till they get old enough that they can go into the forest and than when we get enough in there we can still have our regular population of trees again. We also need those trees for lumber. We are losing a lot of money on the lack of lumber surplus and need to do something about it. I thought of a good idea that might help the lumber company in a good way. Deer tend to eat small trees because the freshness it contains. Before you grow the tree, put some kind of chemical inside the seed to warn most of the deer to where it doesn't kill all the trees. Make sure that the chemical isn’t harmful to the tree or human kind. I think it might cost around a couple million dollars but with the saving of the trees we could save around a couple billion dollars. The stuff to spray in the trees or in the seeds may cost a bit of money. The fence idea is a good idea but say some how the a tree falls down on the fence and deer notice there’s an opening in the fence and they will come in graze on all the trees and sprouting bushes. What will you do than when most of your trees and bushes are gone and how much money it will take to get back to what you started with. There’s another idea that I have that would work but at the same time make people scared to go into the woods do to the fact that I would like some kind of animal like a wolf or a mountain lion. They would take care of the population of the deer that eat all the trees and shrubs. I like 2nd blocks idea of having deer season all year long to because than more people could get out in the summer when there’s no work and kill the deer and plant more plants.

Thoughtful Questions

From: Homeowners/  Class_Name: Environmental Science 2nd Block/  ¶Teacher: Mr. Moore/  School: Hampshire High/  Date: Monday, November 13, 2006/  Time: 10:04 AM

Well if you hunted all the time including the summer and the winter then wouldnt that leave no deer for actual hunting season and if you took that season away, there still wouldnt be very many deer if any left at all. So why would you hunt during both summer and winter why not just one month of a year.

From: Team Happy Wolf!/  Class_Name: Env.Sci./  ¶Teacher: Laura O'Leary/  School: North Harford/  Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2006/  Time: 12:46 PM

Have you managed to find a company that produces anti-deer spray? Or were you planning on developing it in the near future? We were also unaware that seeds to warn the deer were available. Is it true that the reason deer eat younger trees is because of the "included freshness"-- or is it because understory trees are more easily reached than more mature trees? Deer feed on vegetation, regardless of age. Also-- hopefully, the hunters would not be afraid to enter the woods if we were to reintroduce muontain lions and wolves. If the hunters are scared of game animals, that's a deficiency in the hunters. Fear defeats the purpose-- the entire sport of hunting is built upon killing "terrifying" animals!

From: Homeowners/7/  Class_Name: Environmental Science Block 2/  ¶Teacher: Mr. Moore/  School: Hampshire High/  Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2006/  Time: 10:26 AM

As to your thoughtful question what you stated is not exactly what we meant. What we meant was that you would have longer hunting seasons or more hunting seasons. But you would have to have sometime in-between the longer seasons and or the multiple seasons, otherwise there would be no deer population.

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School: NHHS/  Class: Environmental II
Teacher: Mrs. Laura O'leary
POV Group Name: Foresters
Date: 11/10/2006/  Time: 11:32 AM

Being the foresters we are greatly concerned about the deer population. With the ever growing population of deer it puts a huge impact on the under story of the Forest and herbaceous vegetation. With this overabundance of deer the forest will Suffer and we can not have that happen because forests are very precious to us. There are several things that can be done to prevent the threat to the forest under story. We can encase saplings in PVC-like pipes. One thing that can be done is to allow the deer hunting season to be longer. It should be year round and hunters may kill a certain number of deer a year. Also, we could build fences to keep the deer out and allow the forest to re-grow their under story and fix themselves. By having these fences up it provides time for the vegetation and under story to grow back. Within a year new vegetation can grow back and be almost back to normal because the understory trees provide future trees. If we start to take out some of the deer then the biodiversity will balance out. As a forester the vegetation and under story is very important to us and we need to take every precaution possible to help prevent this from happening. This is a very big problem and if we don’t do anything about this soon our forest will be ruined and the deer will takeover and other animals won’t have anyplace to live. We must stop this now!

Thoughtful Questions

From: Foresters/  Class_Name: Env. 2/  ¶Teacher: Oleary/  School: NHHS/  Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2006/  Time: 12:48 PM

Where would you get the money to make these deer fences and deer farms??

From: Insurance Company/  Class_Name: Vo ag. 1/  ¶Teacher: Mr. Halterman/  School: East Hardy High School/  Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2006/  Time: 01:43 PM

You make some pretty obvious points, but have you ever heard of carrying capacity? See, it is scientifically impossible for deer to rule an area of which other living organisms are limited. Now, if a population overrides its carrying capacity then, if we as a higher species chose not to control it, nature itself through disease, weather, and food shortages, etc. will kill of the deer. Once the carrying capacity is higher than it should be then once the deer die off the capacity will lower. Therefor, it is impossible for the deer(or any) population to exceed what it's set limit is. Perhaps next time you should look more into what you are typing, words don't mean anything unless you can back them up


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